What Is Health Insurance?

In a world full of unforeseen dangers insurance is the best way to ensure that you are financially protected when something goes wrong. Health insurance is a coverage that pays for medical expenses when a person falls ill and health insurance is considered an important investment by most people. This article will provide in-depth information about various aspects of health insurance.

Health insurance services are purchased from companies that ask for a fee for their services. These companies ask the person who wants to be insured to opt for a policy that suits his requirements and in return the company gets a fee for their services. The fee which is charged is known as a premium and this premium is usually charged on an annual basis. Most health insurance companies pay a large percentage of the total bill amount which means that after being insured the person needs to pay a small amount of the bill amount.

All insurance companies pay only for certain services and procedures like plastic surgery are not paid by health insurance companies. Majority of the health insurance companies also pay only up to a certain amount each month which means that after a certain amount you will need to pay your bills on your own. The policy booklet covers all these aspects in detail and they are usually handed to the person at the time of being insured.

Individual insurance is a term that is used to imply that a single individual is being insured. Group insurance is a term used to imply that more than one person is being insured. Many insurance companies offer group insurances to families of four or more and a discount is usually offered if groups opt for health insurance.

Company insurance is provided by an employer to its employees as part of the salary package. The insurance limit and policies depend on the agreement between the employer and the insurance company.

Health insurance is often mistaken for life insurance but it is not the same. Health insurance policies are applicable when a person is alive and needs to be hospitalized where as life insurance policies are applicable when a person dies due to an accident or natural event. Health insurance companies do not provide life insurance unless it is mentioned in the policy.

While opting for health insurance it is always advised to ask questions about policies and procedures before you sign up with any health insurance company. It is also recommended to read the fine print in the policy before you pay the premium or sign the agreement.