Liberals and their Church of Health Insurance

The Associated Press:

WASHINGTON — First lady Michelle Obama sought to assure older women on Friday that efforts to overhaul health care won’t undercut the benefits they receive through Medicare, saying her husband considers the government-run program a “sacred part of America’s social safety net.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi:

“As President Obama has said: ‘Health insurance reform is entitlement reform.’ We must reverse the upward spiral of increasing cost, which again, adds an additional priority to our budget and to future generations. We have a moral responsibility to stop that and to reverse that.

“We also have a moral responsibility to pass health insurance reform and we will do so this year. It is a moral imperative, a health issue, it is an economic issue. I believe that we can do so best by increasing competition, and by increasing competition we will again, improve quality, lower costs, expand coverage, and maintain choice. I believe that a public option is the best way to do that.”

Then there is this:

After his bill died, David S. Broder and Haynes Johnson recalled in their book The System: The American Way of Politics at the Breaking Point, Senator Jay Rockefeller said, “‘There’s a special place in hell waiting for Bob Winters.’” Robert C. Winters was chairman of Prudential Insurance. At one and the same time he was head of the Roundtable’s health-care policy task force.

Wait a second, health insurance is “sacred”? We have a “moral responsibility” to pass a health insurance plan? Suddenly, Jay Rockefeller has the floor plans to hell?

These people are goofy. They have confused morality with public policy. They are bringing God into a secular debate. The liberals indulge in the very behavior that liberals mock among evangelical Christians. The sad truth is the liberals want this to cover abortion. I’m pretty sure God is not pleased with that.