HOW I SEE IT: Government health care won’t work

I wholeheartedly oppose the health care “reform” that was recently passed by Speaker Pelosi and the other progressives in the House of Representatives. Not only is it immoral and unconstitutional, but it will harm America economically.

Remember: America has prospered in large part because of our economy’s capitalistic nature. The market system encourages efficiency of both production and resource allocation by harnessing human nature — the individual works and economizes to achieve the greatest personal profit he can, and society benefits by enjoying a greater variety of goods at higher qualities and lower prices.

By contrast, history shows that command (government-controlled) economies fail, and governments spend money inefficiently — ours included. This is because when spending is dictated, human nature is not harnessed but appeased. Government control fosters pork-barrel and special-interest spending, other types of corruption, misinterpretation of market demand and misallocation of funds. In a word, it fosters waste.

Now, it’s widely known that the health care industry comprises roughly 15 percent of our economy. If President Obama’s reform is passed in the Senate, the U.S. government will effectively take control of this enormous economic sector.

Rather than having a “government option,” the government’s insurance package will become our only option. Why? Not only will hidden features of the proposed legislation increase the government’s ownership of the health insurance industry, the state also has an another weapon: Unlike private health insurance providers, the government can artificially deflate its prices.

Are government premiums too high to be competitive in a free market? No problem! The politicians can simply draw more money from another area to “lower” premiums. They raise income taxes or start taxing soda purchases (which, coincidentally, Obama has proposed), and suddenly the government has extra money lying around to help pay for universal health care.

Then private firms will suffer as Americans increasingly choose the “cheaper” government plan, and eventually the government will be the only game in town — just as the progressives intend. Americans will still be paying more money, and the government will come to dominate a large sector of our economy. Consequently, government waste will go to work, and economic performance will deteriorate.

It is ridiculous for the Obama administration to think it can nationalize health care and reduce the net cost of insuring America. Economic theory and history prove this. Rhetoric and clever number fudging can give an appearance to the contrary, but the truth is that if the progressives succeed in socializing the health insurance industry, spending will skyrocket. The average American, who already has health insurance, will be paying much more — and for someone else’s care.

If we want to remain the world’s largest economy, we must reject this overhaul and seek market-based solutions. Fellow patriots, call your senators before they vote! Tell them to hold off on “reform.”