Student Health Insurance

Most young children are covered by their parent's health insurance, and many elementary schools and high schools offer under insured or uninsured parents group coverage but once a young adult turns 18 and heads off to college they are on their own and often uncovered in case of emergency. Student health insurance is a very important consideration and many parents automatically begin a policy for their new adult children. If they cannot, or do not think about it students can be left with hefty medical debts at a time when college loans, credit card debts, and car loans dominate their lives and create huge debt loads.

It can be difficult for young people to think about the need for student health insurance. They are out on their own probably for the first time in their young lives, they have graduated high school and are off on the adventure of college life, possibly traveling for foreign studies and they feel invincible. However, no one is truly invincible and illness or injury occurs to the strongest of young people. Starting a student health insurance policy also provides lower premiums at student rates that also translate into long term savings as younger individuals are eligible for cheaper health insurance than they would be if they waited and started at an older age.

Where to Find Student Health Insurance

Check with your college. Most colleges and universities offer student health insurance plans at very affordable health insurance rates.
Search the Internet for health insurance quotes. There are sites available that are geared toward providing you with multiple quotes based on your location and personal needs so that you can compare policies side by side.

Request health insurance quotes from major medical providers such as Blue Cross Blue Shield or Aetna.

What to Do If You're Caught without Student Health Insurance

Ask the staff at your local hospital or your counselor at school for locations of local community clinics. This is still not a good 'plan' in order to avoid the extra expense of student health insurance as the best of clinics can only do so much. Reliable student health insurance can often be found at very affordable rates and it makes good sense to be prepared so that you can count on the best care possible.

Cautions to Consider

Do not be fooled into thinking that your college or university medical clinic will be good enough so you don't need student health insurance. Most school clinics are handy in an emergency but are not geared to providing care for serious injuries or illnesses unless you attend a university with a medical program. Even then there are costs associated with major care.

Some students, especially medical students count on professional courtesy from the medical professionals in their area. While doctors and even some hospitals do give preference to medical students that does not necessarily mean a waiver of deductibles so be sure you purchase a health insurance with a deductible you can afford to pay.